As I recall the first 3 weeks of this month, the words that come directly to mind are sick, cranky and tired. My husband would probably add especially to that cranky. At one point he just looked at me and asked if he was being insensitive because he was so confused by some of my reactions to the simplest of things. I feel for him, I know I've been a bit weird lately and even I feel a bit taken back by myself at times. However, relief seems to have come. Finally!
My sickness is slowly fading.
My energy is returning.
And best of all... my cranky-tude seems to be tuning itself down a notch or two.
I've discovered that there are certain foods just not suitable for my pregnant belly (no more Mexican, Chinese, hot sauce or french fries *sigh*) and that if my body says to get up, it's best just to get up rather than fighting to go back to sleep.
Best of all this month we were given an ultrasound date for discovering the sex of the baby (APRIL 6th!!). I think I've settled on wanting a girl because of how much it would mean to my grandmother to have a little one named after her and her sister (who is actually my real great-grandmother). Just don't tell my husband that I've changed my mind. A boy will be absolutely fine too.
Six months seems so far away but I'm sure it will go by faster than I can imagine. In the meantime I'm going to have to go shopping soon because my jeans will no longer button and we're planning a 'babymoon' for this March. Hopefully somewhere warm, with sand. (Did I hear someone say a cruise?) Part of me is sad to know that this will be our last big vacation just the two of us and probably the only one for awhile. But another part of me is excited to show our child all of the amazing things out in the world that I didn't get to see growing up.
In other news, my brother comes home from Korea on February 10th for two weeks before heading to Texas where he will be stationed until he receives a ship date. I'm so stinkin' excited that it's ridiculous. We finally found some sort of workable schedule so that we get to talk more now & let me tell you, the boy cracks me up. He keeps me going some days and as weird as it sounds, I believe we all have many soul mates and he is one of mine. I'll be sad when he leaves again but at least he'll be in the country this time.
Clearly I had a lot on my mind today. My second trimester is right around the corner and I'm looking forward to seeing how my thoughts and my body and my life progresses and changes.