Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I pondered all day yesterday about what twenty-five could feel like, or does feel like, I guess I should say. Twenty-four was a pretty good age - full of pleasant surprises, some big decisions and a whole heck of a lot of growing.

Growing as a woman.
Growing as a wife.
Growing as a mother.

The day before your life changes forever, it feels like just any other day, after all.

And that's where I am today. Today feels like any other day. It doesn't feel special and I don't feel older. But today may just be leading up to the day that changes my life forever. I have no way to know...and that's okay.

So I am saying hello to twenty-five and goodbye to twenty-four. And I know that this is good. I've noticed that with age comes wisdom, patience and an ever-growing love for my husband and son. And who knows, perhaps twenty-six will greet me with a some pleasant surprises.

This is just the day (or year) before my life changes forever...


  1. Happy Birthday! 25 was my FAV! It was truly a great year for me. It has just gotten better from there.

    1. Thank you, I needed to hear that! I'm sure hoping for a great year!

  2. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great week with your family. I must agree with Julie! 25-30 were some of the best years of my life!

    1. Thank you. I sure hope it is! I will say that it seems like the older I get, the better life gets as well. I hope that doesn't change anytime soon!

  3. Happy Birthday and I hope 25 is an amazing year for you. :)

  4. happy belated birthday jenn! i love the family photos :)


You don't know just how lovely you are...thank you.