Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Light Shines

I feel as if God is preparing me for a great tragedy, but if we're honest with ourselves, isn't he always?

The truth of God's word rings true every. single. day. Every day whether we reach for it, study it, listen to it, and search for the answers that we so often seek.

I'm currently reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, have you read it? It's a tough read, for different reasons, but currently I am at a spot that reflects on how all things, good and bad, come from God.

The great tragedies of our lives are gifts from God and this text hit me hard with that truth as I was reading it last night:

"All God makes is good. Can it be that, that which seems to oppose the will of God actually is used of Him to accomplish the will of God? That which seems evil only seems so because of perspective, the way the eyes see the shadows. Above the clouds, light never stops shining."

Above the clouds, light never stops shining.

I had to think about that for a good long while and breathe deep the realization that even when my own heart is breaking, when tragedy surrounds me, and when I feel like there is nothing but evil left in the world, God's mighty hand is allowing it.

I'm not leaving Satan's pull blameless and forgotten here, but our Almighty is in full control - He can step in an intervene in all things - good and bad. Everything that happens to us, our friends, our family, the world - it is His will.
I read Romans 5:12-21 this morning as a start of a new devotional about Justice for She Reads Truth, and it seemed to tie everything together for me. Justice - we seek it in order to feel as if all the evil, the bad, that happens in this world is redeemed. But Jesus found justice at the cross when he died for ALL sin.

The problem is that we too often forget that great sacrifice.

I feel as if God is preparing me for a great tragedy: all these reminders that all things come from Him, that justice has already been served. I just hope I have faith enough to remember it when the time comes.

Join me in this new devotional? I'd love to reflect on God's truth together.

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  1. "Nothing can touch me, unless He says it can. Nothing can touch me that does pass through His hand."

  2. Your faith has been tested fair too much Jenn but you always come away with exactly what you need. God will guide you, as a member of His flock, you will not be forgotten or left to stray.


You don't know just how lovely you are...thank you.