Henry's 3 Year Questionnaire (And Then Some)
I decided I would do a birthday questionnaire with Henry to help document his personality each year. I tried to video record his answers, but it was split into almost 6 videos because he knew I was doing it and wanted to show off - haha! Silly kid.
Henry's 3 Year Questionnaire
What is your name?
(Yup, you got that right kid - and you should hear him say 'Ovenshire', it's adorable!)
How old are you?
(He's very excited about this fact.)
What is your favorite color?
(I'd swear on blue, kid, considering that everything you pick out is blue. But you always say things are black and that your favorite color is black so, if you say so.)
What is your favorite food?
(I'd believe that. You also love doughnuts, fruit snacks, bug juice, and pizza.)
What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?
Play all day.
(I was hoping you'd say something like cooking, but yes, we do play all day - and I love that too)
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
Help him in the garage and ride the motorcycle.
(It's a mini dirt-bike, not a motorcycle, and you do love that thing.)
What is your favorite toy?
My bike!
(True that, kid, true that.)
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A boy.
(I wish I could keep you my little boy forever, but I know I can't. You take everything a part and are mechanical like your Daddy, I say you will do something that pertains to that.)
What is your favorite book?
Bug book!
(Okay son, we do not own a bug book (Unless you're talking about The Very Busy Spider) despite the fact that you tore every single book off the bookshelf looking for one so I have no idea what you are talking about, but after this we got you some bug books from the library and you did love them. You often bring me your Curious George book and you really love this Little Golden Book called The Happy Man and His Dump truck. Honestly, we have a ton of books and you love to read them all.)
What is your favorite TV show?
(You do love Thomas - but you also love Curious George and Clifford. You like both Clifford and Puppy Days - you call them BIG Clifford and little Clifford and you always say 'Mommy, remember when Clifford was little and he grew BIG: it's so cute.)
Who is your best friend?
The girl.
(Not sure which girl you are talking about, but I'd say a girl would be your best friend. There is the neighbor girl behind us, Layla, and Izabel. Oh...and Mommy. You meant Mommy, right?)
And now for some random extras about you, Henry:
- You weigh almost exactly 30 lbs.
- You are 37 1/2 inches tall.
- You wear size 8 shoes and 3t shirts and pants - the pants have to be adjustable however, other wise they will fall right off your skinny butt.
- You are completely attached to your 'Doggie Blankie'. This is actually new to us, you always had to have a silky blanket, but now doggie blankie is IT for you.
- You are refusing to potty train. Matter of fact, I am completely out of ideas because we have tried EVERYTHING.
- You are starting home preschool this year and are a smart little cookie.
- You have SO MANY CARS. I would be embarrassed to count them and have an actual number.
- You sleep smack-dab in the middle of Mommy and Daddy.
- You have a huge interest in photography. I'm going to get you one of those Little Tykes cameras for Christmas so you'll stop stealing our phones and trying to get to my 'big' camera.
- You typically do not nap anymore.
- You love animals of all kinds - especially your doggies.
- You are very, very independent. We are typically not 'allowed' to help you with anything. You want to do it all on your own.
- You keep telling us you want a baby.
- You are constantly on the move although you've recently found TV shows a little more appealing and will sit still to watch them.
- You eat like a bird - as in, very small amounts sporadically. We can tell when you're growing because you actually have an appetite.
- You always say 'thank you' but we have to ask you to say 'please' every. single. time.
- You cook your own egg in the morning with Mommy's supervision. You can't break it without getting shell everywhere yet, but we're working on it. I love that you want to learn these things.
- You are super sweet, love to cuddle, love to give hugs and kisses and will throw the HUGEST fit if you don't get the amount of hugs and kisses you want when one of us leave.
- You are our entire world, the light of our lives, and by-far the BEST thing your Daddy and I have ever done. We love you, boog.

He's so smart! Love his answers.
ReplyDeleteso sweet! I love the picture of Henry with the ball and the one of him picking flowers - they are so perfect! Asher's pants are always falling off as well, he is a skinny little guy but he also has a sudden appetite so I think he might be growing as well!
ReplyDeleteHenry is such a sweet little guy. You can just see it in the photos you take of him. I can't wait to get to know him. I'm looking forward to seeing him grow in person and not just through your blog.
ReplyDeleteI love this so much- I did one with Gunner too and I was so tickled by the things he said!