Tuesday, February 23, 2010

'Bucket List' Tuesday

Is it really Tuesday again? I can't believe how quickly the last week has gone by. I've spent most of my evening doing tid-bits of nothing, putting off writing this blog and yet knowing that I should. Not because anyone is looking to read it really, but because my new year resolution was to write more and at this moment in time, writing this blog is my only string holding me to that resolution. Honestly, I feel as if I'm not doing so awful bad. I wrote a little story earlier this week and I wrote my husband a letter last night, as well as a little blog yesterday. So even if I'm not writing anything concrete, I'm still writing something on and off.

Anywho, on to the bucket list-ness. I haven't thought about what I might add this week at all up until this moment so I think I'm going to go with the first thing that came to my mind. I want to travel. I want to see parts of the world that I've always wished to see but never thought I'd get the chance growing up. Ireland being one in particular and Greece being another. So that is my addition to my bucket list this week. I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight, I can't remember being this tired in quite some time.

Jenn's Bucket List

1) Become a writer; one who touches people's lives and creates words that can be felt and not just read.
2) I want to work in the mission field, be God's hands and feet, help others even if it means giving up even the most precious of things.
3) I want to have a long, happy marriage.
4) I want to travel the world and at one point in time, visit Ireland and Greece.


  1. I think Ireland and Greece and Rome would be fun.

  2. wonderful piece for your list :) I'd love to travel abroad.

  3. number one on your bucket list, definitely accomplished thru this blog :)



You don't know just how lovely you are...thank you.