It's been a little while since I blogged. I've been keeping extremely busy and it seems that each day goes by faster than the last. I'm clinging to the last days of fall and hoping and praying that I will see no major snow for at least a couple more weeks. I feel like autumn came and went faster than I could catch it. I missed all the pretty leaf photos and I didn't even carve a pumpkin, although I did decorate a few early on.
I've been crocheting like a mad women. Upon deciding that I'd go ahead and try to sell a few things, I took on so many orders that I've still got about five to finish and get shipped. I will say that it was all an answered prayer though. With Christmas coming up, we could definitely use the extra money to splurge on some family gifts. I am excited to get back to the point of just enjoying making a few things just for myself and Henry though. As soon as I get caught up, I think the orders will be farther in between and I can make a few more new designs and such.
We had our first experience with baby-food this past week. I made my first batch with my new food processor and was thrilled at how much I could make from one sweet potato. Henry has done very well with it. He has one tooth that's came in on the right side of his mouth and another that's almost through right in front. He's ready to do some chompin! I look forward to his next doctors appointment to see how much he's grown lately.
On a negative note, I'm fairly certain that he's developed Jeremy's milk allergy. I finally broke down a couple of days ago and decided that I wasn't going to try to pump anymore. Today will be the first day that I haven't pumped at all and it kind of saddens me. But, I went ahead and pulled the milk I had frozen and have been giving Henry more formula each day. As I did so, I noticed that after his formula bottles (I've tried a couple different brands and kinds of formula) he would just projectile vomit it all back up within 15 minutes. He's been super fussy lately too. I thought it was just because he was teething but last night I had Jeremy stop and get some soy-based formula and I've given that to him today and he's been an entirely different baby. I'm just going to keep an eye on the situation and then bring it up at his next appointment. He doesn't seem to be extra hungry or anything so I don't think it's anything to worry way too much about right now.
Between being a mommy, wife and working at work and on my crochet orders, I haven't had a whole lot of extra time. I've been itching to do some different crafts and tonight I finally got around to making the sugar scrubs that I've been dying to make lately. I must say, they turned out awesome. I can't wait to give some of them as gifts!
Did I mention that Henry is going to be 4 months old in just a couple of days?? Where the heck does the time go?!?
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You don't know just how lovely you are...thank you.