I have to say that Christmas was the best that I think it's ever been in a very long time this year. There's something about having your own little family that makes the holidays different and Jeremy and I enjoyed waking up Sunday morning and sitting in front of our tree taking turns opening presents and helping Henry open his. His eyes would light up at the bright colored toys and he would just stare, it was perfect.
He threw a fit the rest of the day. I think it was just to loud at grandma and grandpas for him. We had a great time at both family's Christmas' and we were spoiled rotten this year. Jeremy's sister bought us a new Wii and we each got several games to go with it for one another. His parents bought me two frame sets that will fill every wall in my living room. Jeremy got me a wireless remote for my camera as well as a Snuggie and a mint set from the year I was born. We had bought Henry one this year as well and although we know he won't appreciate it until he's much older, our hope is to buy him some special piece of money each year. Henry bought Jeremy a personalized coffee mug to take to work with him each day and I got Jeremy his concealed carry class. My grandmother got Henry an exersaucer and she got us a new vacuum cleaner. Like I said, spoiled!
We tried out best not to focus on presents this year though. We tried to focus on loving and giving as a family and celebrating the birth of our Savior. I am a little sad that I'll have to take my tree down soon, I feel like it was extra special this year...maybe because I had so much fun putting it up and watching Henry play with the bulbs and decorations. I'm looking forward to the new year and all that it will bring. I am so thankful for all that I've been blessed with and I know God will continue to bless me ten fold.
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You don't know just how lovely you are...thank you.