The sky was beautiful tonight. As we drove to Miamisburg to meet my new nephew, I couldn't help but be drawn to it. There were blues and pinks and oranges...and blues (did I mention the blues?). I swear Crayola's 'Robin's Egg' just blew up all over the sky.

He was beautiful. My nephew I mean. I was in awe at how different he was from Henry when he was born. Not only was he 2lbs heavier and almost 6 inches longer, but they looked so completely different. I know that may be a 'duh' kind of comment but my brother and I always looked somewhat alike and when I look at his little boy, I see nothing of myself in him. God truly is a master creator, molding each of us into something unique and special. Gabriel has no eyelashes...while Henry has eyelashes that goes for miles. It is just amazing to me.
Henry was a real turd for me today. He's teething and cranky and I had two poop blow-ups and more spit-up than I can account for. Here at 11 p.m. I am so tired and ready for bed. I'm trying to pretend that another week hasn't ended and I have to go back to work for the weekend tomorrow. The photo above was probably the happiest he was all day. He loves playing in his excersaucer but his feet don't really reach and it is usually short lived because I hate seeing him bounce from his toes on one foot to his toes on the other. He tries so hard and yet gets no where! I am so blessed that God gave me this little boy. He is happy and healthy and I couldn't imagine loving anything more.
He is getting so big. If I don't get my act together, I won't be meeting him till his first birthday - which is so not cool!