Henry is officially half of a year old.
Wow that's hard to believe! Here I stand six months deep into parenthood and there are still days that I wonder if I know what the heck I'm doing. My daily prayer is that I succeed at this job that God has blessed me with, that my little boy will grow up happy, respectful and God-fearing because of my teachings. Talk about responsibility!

His curiosity highlights my every day. His little eyes get so bright with wonder and I'm never failed to be amazed at the intensity something so simple can bring to his life. I can't even begin to explain how much I love him.

His little smile melts my heart. There is really no feeling in this world that compares to seeing your child's face, wide with a smile, just because he sees you, knows you. My favorite part of the day is picking him up out of his crib when he wakes up in the morning...and that smile. Just for me. I swoon.

I find every little thing he does as cute as can be. I'm so proud of him and his little accomplishments. I'm proud when I watch him push himself from one end of the room to the other, or sit up for long periods of time, playing with his toys. It's hard to believe that he was so dependent on me just a few months ago. Now his personality shines and the person he is is beginning to show in everything he does.

I couldn't ask for a better little family. We are happy, healthy and blessed beyond measure. God has great things in store for us, I know. I am just humbled by His ability to shower us with blessings, most completely unexpected. I'm excited for us to move into our new home, to get settled and have a place to call our own. In the meantime, I'm just focusing on enjoying this little boy. I know the next 6 months are going to be just as wonderful as the last.
What a sweet and adorable little man! I love the pictures!