Wednesday, June 06, 2012


It's amazing how a simple night out doing little of nothing can be good for the heart and soul.

Tonight Jeremy and I went to Friday's for dinner and then did a little shopping at Bath and Body Works and the Dollar Tree (don't hate, we're cheap). We were out for a total of maybe three hours, but those three hours were soo what we needed to reconnect and talk a bit.

We decided to go into super-saver mode for the summer. We're canceling the cable, saying goodbye to our smart phones, packing lunches and eating at home for the next few months. We figure this will give us the opportunity to save a good chunk of change to put back into our house (I'd really like a pool but we do NEED siding. Sigh.) We'd also like to take a vacation in it would help there as well. Either way, we figure for the summer and early fall, the only entertainment we need is the work that needs done around here, one another and Henry. Plenty, right?

I have to say, I've been branching out a bit more lately. I've spent a few days with a few new friends and jumped head first into the business world with my photography. I went from 50 or 60 fans on Facebook to almost 500 in the matter of about 2 weeks. If you ask me...that's impressive. I'm getting about 50 hits per post on this blog and about 15 on my other. Who the heck is reading THIS blog I have no idea, but I've been trying to branch out more with my other to try and outreach a bit more. Before photography, writing was my first love...and it still is. If I never succeed in the photography business, I will always have my blogs...and even if no one ever reads them, they will always be there for me to enjoy and add to. That truly makes me happy.

Sooo...I'm looking forward to this summer. I'm looking forward to changes and spending more time with my husband and Henry (only one more weeks of school for Jeremy!) I'm looking forward to a vacation and Henry's first birthday party. I have several sessions booked and a ton of work around here to do. I should stay PLENTY busy and I'm okay with that. I don't much care to be idle for long.

1 comment:

  1. James and I are in savings mode, too!! With Connor just being 4 months away from being OUTSIDE instead of inside, we have to make some changes so that we don't feel the pain of me not working as much! Let me know if you have any ideas on how to cut back (other than what you listed here).


You don't know just how lovely you are...thank you.