Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Resolution Recap

Well folks, the new year is right around the corner again. Where the heck did 2013 go?! Last year I sat down and made these resolutions for 2013. I tried to keep it short and simple because I know myself so well that if I didn't, there was no way I was going to keep them.

I think I did pretty darn well! My 'one word' for 2013 was 'present' and also my 2nd resolution for the year. At one time there was not one night that didn't pass that I didn't sit on the computer for an hour and Jeremy his phone and we didn't even talk. I began to notice that when I pulled out the laptop, Henry immediately got upset and tried to close the screen. He was telling me something! It was time to put my priorities in line and the computer (whether blogging or pinning or just browsing) was not one of them. I'm happy to say that I don't even think of my computer on most days anymore. I do browse Facebook and Pinterest on my phone in my down time, but to sit in front of a computer for an hour or more is just not something I need to do every day.

My other resolution for 2013 was to be more appreciative. I think I did pretty well here too. I have carved out more time just to spend with family instead of selfishly wanting to stay home after work, taught myself to let the messy house be seen as more of a blessing (of living and loving and being) instead of being frustrated daily with my chores, and I have spent more time just loving and soaking up the moments I get to spend with Henry and Jeremy and my other loved ones. The one place that found no extra appreciation was with myself. I work hard and I deserve to take better care of myself. This is something I'll have to continue to work on in 2014.

Overall, I think 2013 was a successful year in the term of resolutions. How did you do with your resolutions? 

1 comment:

  1. I had to go back and see what my goals were, that's how well I did with completing them. Oh well! It's almost a new year, I can totally get my act together in 2014 ;) Love you J :)


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