My flower that Jeremy bought me after Christmas finally bloomed this week. It is just gorgeous and it really brightens up the room. It makes my heart warm when I look out and see the beautiful snow laying on the ground and then glance over at my beautiful white flower. It's like I have a little miracle of nature sitting in my living room.
I am so amazed at life this week. Little moments have left me feeling so very blessed. I realized for one, that I have made two of the best friends at work. I think that if I needed either of them, they'd be there in a heartbeat. I'd do the same for them. This winter has been my one of my favorites. I remember last winter and my wedding and then my honeymoon, I remember my wonderful reception on Valentine's day and I thought that nothing could ever top those moments. I'm not sure that this winter has 'topped' the last, but in ways, it feels like it has. I think that certain moments are different in life. Situations force them to be.
Last winter was overwhelming and full of love and hope and a beginning. This winter wasn't completely different in that aspect, but it's been more about loving myself and the little moments that I find to self-reflect and appreciate life and all that it has offered. It's not about a new love but of one that has grown and strengthened through the hard times and the good. I'm so excited for Valentine's day tomorrow. Not because we have anything 'special' planned, but just because I have the entire day to spend with my husband. No work, no school...just us.
Time together and alone, is more of a blessing than what I could ever ask for. I've learned to appreciate time (don't we all say that) more lately. Time is always running, it never stops, not for any of doesn't take 'breaks', it doesn't 'pause' so that a perfect moment can last forever. Sometimes, I really wish it could. So I hope that time allows you all to have a wonderfully perfect Valentine's day full of love. My perfect day has already begun...
Happy Valentine's Day!