Monday, July 11, 2011

A Baby Story: Months 7 & 8 - The End of Pregnancy

The last couple of months have been quite the experience. I had both baby showers and received more gifts than any one baby could possibly need. I'm up to my elbows in clothes and blankets and toys. The crib is set up and ready. The bottles are washed. The car seat is in the car. I've been cleaning the house like I'm mad and it seems like every week I find something that I missed, although I'm not sure how. Then I was diagnosed with cholestasis, which has been, well, horrible.

The entire last month has been dedicated to figuring out what was going on with my body. I started itching two months ago and although at first they thought it was nothing, it soon turned so severe that I'd be up all night long doing nothing short of crying and itching myself until I was raw. Finally the doctor decided to do a blood test and the results came back positive for the cholestasis and so started a whole new process: figuring out what to do about it. They put my on Atarax which does little more than either knock me out or leave me feeling high as a kite. It does help with the itching some though, it keeps it bearable at least. Then they started the non-stress tests and ultrasounds twice a week, which keeps my mind at ease but is a serious pain in the butt as well. Then they decided to deliver me at 37 weeks, so next Monday I will go into the hospital to have baby Henry 3 weeks early. I'm okay with that.

Overall things have been up and down. I have yet to decide if I want to take this coming weekend off or if I want to go ahead and work until Monday. I am however thankful that things worked in my favor and my brother will get to meet Henry before he leaves again. That is purely an act of God. Mason seems anxious, I think he knows something huge is about to happen and well, I'm a bit anxious as well. I'm still hoping to deliver naturally without any drugs. I've been told never to say never on more than one occasion but I feel as if I've made my mind completely up. I'm now praying that labor will progress quickly and I won't be stuck in a hospital bed for 3 days. Because of my condition I have to be monitored constantly and have an IV drip for the Vitamin K to keep me from hemorrhaging so I won't be able to be that mobile.

In the meantime I intend on enjoying this last week before baby. I have plans to spend time with my grandmother and brother tomorrow and a good friend is having a birthday this week so we have plans for that. Other than that I have some little things I need to do. I figure I better go out and get some more newborn sized onesies considering they're expecting him to weight little over 6 lbs when he's born. I have a ton of 0-3 months but only a handful of newborn anything. I may grab a preemie outfit or two too, just in case. I need to mail out a couple of final thank you cards and finish preparing the baby-book. I'm sure I'll clean the house really good again, and maybe even again. I'm sure this week will go fast. I am going to miss my little womb-peanut but at the same time, I'm so excited to meet him.

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You don't know just how lovely you are...thank you.