Monday, July 04, 2011

We are Blessed

As Jeremy and I were driving home from the lake last night, I couldn't help but sit in the passenger seat and just smile. The fireflies are out full force now and one of my favorite things to do is just to sit and watch them light up across the corn fields. It was like our own personal light show as we watched the hundreds of little bugs light up as we drove by; lightning bugs as far as the eye could see! I couldn't help but think that God's creations were so amazing and miraculous and those that doubt His existence clearly has not taken a real good look around.

As Jeremy always says: the world is full of magic, we're all just too stubborn to see it.

My mind has been elsewhere today. Henry has been particularly wiggly and I keep thinking about his tiny face. I'm so excited to meet him, time seems to be crawling but part of me is okay with that. He will be here so soon and I'm so madly in love with him, I just want to tell him and show him. His daddy is pretty excited too. There's a few little things I need to do before we're really 'ready' but nothing too important. He is our little gift from God, Jeremy and I had been discussing trying to start a family in the coming months but I'm not going to lie, trying to plan it makes a person kind of anxious. Finding out that he was on his way without any sort of plans made it so special and such a blessing.

I keep thinking about our missionaries today too. I know several groups right now that are out serving and I pray that they remain safe while providing enough assistance and light into the world of the people they serve to shake their lives forever. I hope one day I'll get to join them, even if it's on a small scale. But as of now, God has not presented any situations for me and I'm okay with that. Just say a small prayer for the Hunts and the Starrys and a group in Brazil if you think about it.

Now I'm off to enjoy the rest of my 4th of July festivities. I hope any who read this have a safe and blessed day with family and friends!

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You don't know just how lovely you are...thank you.