Who's excited?? This girl is!!
Let me start by saying that I absolutely love what I do. I love being able to stay home with my little one and crochet to my heart's desire. I love creating things. I love taking a ball of yarn and making it into something fun, creative and useful. I am just starting out and I can't wait to see where this journey takes me. With more and more experience, who knows where the road could lead?
Now to the fun stuff! This month I will be giving away one of my beanies with ears, earflaps and braids. I'll even add a bow if you like! It will be made just for you in the size and colors that you desire. I chose to give away this hat first simply because it was the very first hat that I made. I have now made several for customers and it seems to be a popular choice. It looks so cute on little boys and girls and it can be worn with most anything. Not to mention it's perfect to keep little noggins (or big noggins) warm this winter!

So on to winning! Entering into this month's drawing is simple!
Just 'like' my page on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ovey-Creations/217347141666800 and leave a comment there telling me one thing you love about the Christmas season.
That's it!
But I'm also giving you the chance to be entered into this month's drawing two, three, five...twenty times more! It's really up to you!
Put this message on your Facebook: "Go check out Ovey Creations and tell her I sent you. For every person who 'likes' her page that I send, I'll be entered into her monthly drawing once more. The best part? You'll be entered into the drawing too!"
Simple, right? So for every person that leaves a comment on my page saying that you sent them, I'll enter you into the drawing once more!
Want even more chances to win?
If you've ordered from me before, upload a picture of your little one (or yourself) in one of my products and tag Ovey Creations in the photo and I'll enter you FIVE more times!
If that's not awesome, I don't know what is!
So, overall you have well...as many as you can think of...chances to win!
The winner will be announced on Monday December 5th!
Good luck to you all!
I (already) like you on FB and this Christmas I am looking forward to sharing the season with Gunner and starting family traditions!