Friday, February 07, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Write

Writing has been something that I have loved to do since I was a little girl. For as long as I could remember, words (in all forms) have been more important to me than other things. There's something about taking the time to sit and let your thoughts and emotions run from your mind and heart and onto paper or screen.

It's like magic.

That's the only way I know how to explain it. When you take out the pressure of writing, the need to impress, or the desire to entertain, you're left with the raw pieces that make up who you are. Who you really are, not just who you're hoping to be. That's magical.

In a busy world, we can often lose ourselves in our daily chores, or caring for our children, or making our way up the corporate ladder, or just giving of ourselves however that we've found ourselves fit.

Writing is a way to escape that. To sit with yourself and have a cup of coffee and get back to the basics of yourself as an individual, writing is an escape.

I can't imagine my life without it.

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  1. About all I can say to that is AMEN! I hear you! :-)

    Have a great day, Jennifer!

    Tammy ~@~

  2. Awesome words today - so much encouragement and hope! Join me also

  3. This is all so true. I dream of being a writer, as it has always been one of my favorite things to do as well. Have a good weekend!

  4. Yes, getting back to the basics of ourselves. That is so true. There is something so grounding about writing. Commenting from FMF. It's my first week!

  5. I love it! Sitting down with yourself and having a cup of coffee is the perfect way to describe it!

    The Pink Porch
    follow me @

    From FMF

  6. That's where my blog canes into play for me. I enjoy writing and hope to continue to do so as my source of therapy.

  7. Yes! I've loved writing for as long as I can remember. Since I've been able to spell I've always kept a journal of some sort. And, one day I thought I would become an author. Maybe someday. Maybe…

  8. I so agree. I can't imagine my day without writing too. I loved your thoughts. thanks for sharing.

    Mary-andering Creatively

    Mary-andering Among the Pages


You don't know just how lovely you are...thank you.