Thursday, May 01, 2014

Progress [April]

We are leaving for vacation tomorrow(!!) but if I want to keep up with any kind of post while trying to juggle getting the house prepped for the sitter and the bags packed, my progress update post would be it.

So how did it go this month?


I've had a really hard time the last 2 months keeping up with every thing but I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things and putting my act back together. I haven't stopped or went backwards, but it's been much harder and it's required constant dedication. However, I am determined and I want to be totally honest through this process. No masks guys.
One year apart!

Not to shabby, eh? I'll post my goals for this month later in the week so keep an eye out.

I won't lie and say this has been easy. Losing weight is one of the hardest things I've ever had wanted to do. Well...that and running. Being overweight is in my genetics, is in my husband's genetics, and it's easy to just give in and remain the same despite all the benefits. (Plus, hello! Food!) But I won't. I am so determined to continue on this journey, even if it takes just baby steps along the way to get to my end goal.

My goal for 2014 was to lose 60 pounds and I am more than halfway there.

I can do this.

I sincerely thank you all for your continued support and encouragement: your positive words are what carry me through on those days that I just want to give up.

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  1. You go girl!!! Looking hot!!

  2. You are awesome! Love the photo comparison - wow, and I love your bangs. :)

  3. 37 pounds is AWESOME friend! Great job!!

  4. 37 pounds is great! Good job and ENJOY your vacation!!!

  5. You are doing a great job! Hard, but rewarding. Enjoy your vacation & celebrate how much better you feel!


You don't know just how lovely you are...thank you.